Reports and financial acquittals are a standard requirement for all grants. Forms are available below to download.Progress reports are required for all multi-year grants before subsequent installments can be paid.

A final report on your project outcomes and expenditure is due within two months of the completion of your project.

Your report must include a financial acquittal showing the original budget that was submitted with your grant application, and the actual final expenditure, with a note explaining significant variances.

Additional information may be attached to your report.  A copy of any publication arising from your project should also be attached with your report.

We ask that you keep us informed during the project if delays or changes occur.  If the changes are deemed significant, you may be asked to submit a Grant Amendment Request for consideration by the trustees.

If you have any queries, please call us on 03 9999 3090 or email to

Carty Progress Report form

Carty Final Report form

Carty Financial Reporting & Acquittal – Excel spreadsheet